Member's Dues / New Members

To become a member of the FOP Panhandle Lodge #15, a few steps are required prior to gaining membership.

The following is a brief explanation of the legal defense and what it covers.

The Legal Defense full coverage plan covers (A) Legal defense or, subject the absolute discretion of the Benefit Administrator and the Board, other appropriate legal challenge to adverse administrative discipline or sanction based on the Participants conduct or misconduct in the scope of employment. This involves salary, dismissal, change of assignment, demotion, leaved of absence, resignation or other professional rights, duties or responsibilities as determined by the Board.

(B) Legal defense of a civil action or proceedings brought against a Participant.

(C) Legal defense of a criminal action or proceeding brought against a Participant, arising directly out of the Participants activities in the scope of employment, including grand jury proceedings.

We will supply you with a Legal Defense handbook at a later time.

Below is a table of how the quarterly dues are broken down. Dues are owed on Jan. 1, Apr. 1, July 1, and Oct. 1.

Typed of Membership Membership Only Membership + Legal Defense
Sworn Personal $15 per quarter
$60 per year
$96 per quarter ($15 for membership + $81 for Legal Defense)
$384 per year
Retired LEOs $7.50 per quarter
$30 per year
Separate plans available through a third party
Associate Members (Non-Sworn Personal) $15 per quarter
$60 per year
$96 per quarter ($15 for membership + $81 for Legal Defense)
$384 per year

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New Member's Application Paper Form

If you don't want to apply online, you can print out this form and give it to a represenative of the lodge.

Download the PDF Version